Wednesday, November 6, 2013

And so it begins......


After many, many, many, many attempts at losing weight, I have finally decided to keep a food journal in hopes that I will be able to hold myself accountable for the food I put in my mouth AND keep myself motivated along the way.

Weight loss has always been a struggle for me, as with most people, and I realize that the key to losing weight is really in your mind!  You can lose weight with any diet, you just need to have the motivation and willpower to stick with it, and trust me, that's hard! 

My choice of diet (this time) is Medifast!  I originally began in July, but after some major bumps in the road with my family, I am starting anew.

Please join me on my journey as I can use all the encouragement I can get!!  And if you're struggling with an addiction yourself, be it food, soda, caffeine, whatever, hopefully I will be able to inspire you as well.  Anything is possible! 

Here's to being healthy and feeling good!! :-)



  1. go cindy go! i believe in you! :)

  2. Wow, that video totally had me all choked up! I had a friend do medifast and she looks amazing now. Can't wait to hear how week 1 goes!!

  3. What a good idea- Hopefully this will motivate me too. I have had such a hard time lately having willpower. Good luck!!
